【商品名称】YogAnatomy Vol.2
-- an Introduction to Anatomy for Yoga Practitioners and Teachers
【主讲老师】David Keil
David Keil was first introduced to Yoga by his Tai Chi teacher in 1989. David has taught the YogAnatomy workshop over 80 times since 2000. As a former teacher of Kinesiology, he brings the kinesthetic experience of Yoga and the specificity of anatomy together to shed light on how to deepen ones experience on the mat. Through simple explanation and relevance to yoga practice he hopes to inspire people to practice intelligently as well as devotedly and with faith in the power and process of Yoga.
With the same engaging manner he employs in his live workshops, the simple clarity of YogAnatomy vol.1, acclaimed yoga and anatomy instructor David Keil invites you to delve even deeper into your body in YogAnatomy vol. 2. A valuable tool for yoga practitioners of all levels, teachers, and anatomy enthusiasts, this second volume continues to develop a working vocabulary of anatomy terms, concepts, and simple principles, which will help even the uninitiated gain profound understanding of the human body, how it's put together, and how it functions and dysfunctions. In addition to the first volume, this DVD offers more information, organized more practically, than any other tool available on the market today.
--where the psoas is located and attaches
--what function does the psoas perform
--how the psoas is related to your yoga practice
--what movements happen in the spine
--where movement happens specifically in the spine
--explanation of bulge, herniation, and ruptured disc
--how the spine functions in back bending
--what tissues restrict back bending and put force into the low back
--how the femur, pelvis and spine function together
shoulders and arms
--anatomy of the shoulder joints
--detailed description of the rotator cuff group of muscles
--how to control our scapula in poses like up dog and down dog
--comparison of the upper and lower limbs
--breath and bandha
....................................and much much more!
【关于 David Keil】
David Keil(大卫.克尔)本身练习20多年,是Ashtanga官方认证教练,但他的解剖学不仅是对Ashtanga练习者的,瑜伽有很多派别,但身体只有一个,他对解剖学的研究实用于各派别瑜伽。如今他的解剖学以翻译成9种语言,在各大网站有售,销量是是亚马逊 ----- 世上最大的购物网站第一, 他的解剖学资料也成为了很多瑜伽培训机构的教材。
由于David作为Ashtanga认证老师和解剖学老师的双重身份,他对于解剖在瑜伽中的应用的理解,独道而犀利,他的解剖学工作坊即覆盖了解剖学的大量基础知识,又突出了与瑜伽的结合,可以说既有广度,又有深度。另外,得益于David活泼幽默的天性,解剖学这门一般被认为难懂而枯燥的学问,在他的讲解下变得深入浅出、风趣盎然,同时他是一个多年自律的Ashtanga习练者,解剖学的功底让他的练习和教学更加科学精准,还有他与John Scott学习共事多年,他们的知识互相影响得益,他们的Ashtanga知识很领先、独惮加上他性格幽默平易,很多深奥的科学他能易懂的表达出来。
John Scott的教练培训是世界上最严谨的Ashtanga教练培训,每期只招10人,学生要通过考核录取和考核升级,聘请世界上最好的老师,象瑜伽理论老师和解剖学老师,David Keil(大卫.克尔)是他请的解剖学老师,John说:“当我第一次听他的课时被他的理解和讲解折服,当时有个医生也在课堂,那医生说David Keil(大卫.克尔)讲得太好了,我决定请他也因为他的幽默和易懂的表达能力,看看他DVD封面就知道他有多幽默,这个人太可爱了。”
【坦白真诚的沟通,是愉快交易的基础! 】